Blog It Forward-- kudos to Mamacita

Mamacita at Sheiss Weekly has suggested picking someone from your blogroll and encouraging people to go visit them.
So I am going to pick the Ramblin' Educat, whose dad has been very ill lately. Thus far, the father crises are really noticeable round these parts, since Mamacita picked a very nice lady whose father passed away today.
Educat is funny and smart and lives in the Very Best State in the Union-- exceptin fer teacher salaries, where it ranks slightly lower 'n a snake's belly in a wagon rut.
So go see educat! And Blog It Forward. Leave a comment here and I'll visit yours!
Thanks, it means more than you know that you'd think of me.
You know you live in the Edudad's fatherland, dontcha? He's a Southern MO boy and the other night we watched the most unexciting Cardinal's game ever in a vain attempt to raise his blood pressure.
I think we are kin under the skin.
What a great idea! I want that little dooflitchy thing (blog it forward) on my site as soon as I get a minute to figure how where to put it.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll--it's nice to be noticed! :-)
Liz here from I Speak of Dreams. I nominated Golden Lucy.
Educat, darlin'-- he shoulda watched on Mother's Day: No homers for Pujols but 6 or 7 total errors. It was ugly. You know we're all thinking about the Edudad and you.
As to southern MO: at least he escaped. I am seemingly stuck here until a Vogon construction fleet comes to destroy the planet to make way for an intergalactic offramp...
And I will claim that kinship, sister. I need a good one. The one I got is a real rotten witch.
Eht: I stole it from Mamacita-- and I just dragged it onto the desktop-- it worked after a coupla tries....
rain: No no-- the honor is mine, really....
Liz, I will be heading over there shortly.
I stole it from Buzz. I think it's a great idea!
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