A Shrewdness of Apes

An Okie teacher banished to the Midwest. "Education is not the filling a bucket but the lighting of a fire."-- William Butler Yeats

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Why gender stereotypes are bull@&t

So I asked a bunch of students to generate a list of adjectives and phrases that describe males, and a list that describe females. After we generate these two lists, we categorize the adjectives and phrases according to positive, neutral, and negative comments. Some of the comments that came up over and over again for females is "holds a grudge," "petty," and "pouty."


I am currently dealing with a colleague-- a big, burly, he-man type-- who got his skivvies in a wad over a misunderstanding over some inconsequential -- really-- request that I made to a principal. He actually used the term "chain of command," which is odd, given that A) I am not going to get a fellow teacher's permission to email a principal, ever; and B) he is not actually my "commander" in any stretch of the term. This was six months ago. I promptly and sincerely apologized for his upset at the time. I was extra solicitous of his needs and helped him out on some other matters. He is still acting like a baby.

I have to work with dis guy, and he is still in full pout.

See, I just don't get it. Someone does something you don't like. First, you decide if it's worth getting upset over. If yes, communicate displeasure to miscreant. Accept apology. End of story. This is how I operate. You know there are myriads of eamples of times when he hasn't done what he was supposed to, or he's made an error, and jeez, I've let bygones be bygones.

Jeez. What a prima donna.

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At 5/29/07, 9:17 PM, Blogger The Science Goddess said...

FYI...we say "undie bunching" here. Ah, regional colloquialisms.

In Curriculum, we often talk about the joys of working with adults. When a second grader calls you a poopie-head, he might mean it at the time...but it's been forgotten 10 minutes later. Adults don't seem to forget that they've called someone a poopie-head. We could get a lot more done on behalf of our students if everyone could just move on.

At 5/30/07, 9:56 AM, Blogger Mike in Texas said...

We say "panties in a wad" at my school.

I've been in such a pantie wadding incident for 4 months now with a fellow teacher, who screamed at me in the teacher's lounge over a misunderstanding.

Yes, I KNOW I should be the adult in this situatiion but I also know I wasn't the one doing the screaming in a room full of other teachers, so I refuse to play the adult role.


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